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What's New:

Cholly Naranjo

July 9, 2014

Read about Cholly Naranjo at Biography Project, a Cuban born baseball player and a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates during the 1956 season.


Upcoming Talk

January 21, 2015

Jose Ramirez will be at the Collier County Museum in Naples Florida on January 21, 2015 at 2PM to speak about his book “Defining Moments” and the conditions he found in Cuba during his multiple trips.


Jacksonville Presentation

January 24, 2014

A day long Lecture series at the Bishop Kenny High School in Jacksonville FL on January 24, 2014 to the Social Studies and History classes regarding past and current conditions in Cuba based on the author's personal experiences and research.

Product Catalog

The catalog page is layed out as an example of how you can set up your product sales page. This page does not use an ecommerce shopping cart solution although there are many ecommerce solutions available. This catalog page is a simple table based layout that includes the PayPal 'Add to Cart' button. The PayPal button is created on the PayPal website, then inserted into the product page. If you wish to use PayPal buttons you would need to sign up for a PayPal account. You can then edit the properties of the included PayPal buttons, or use a PayPal button wizard tool to insert the buttons for you.

The 'View Large Image' link opens a lightbox window which displays a larger product image and description.  

Select your products

product image Product Name

Price: $9.99

Description: Product details go here

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product image Product Name

Price: $9.99

Description: Product details go here

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product image Product Name

Price: $9.99

Description: Product details go here

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product image Product Name

Price: $9.99

Description: Product details go here

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product image Product Name

Price: $9.99

Description: Product details go here

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product image Product Name

Price: $9.99

Description: Product details go here

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copy new product table here



Secondary Info

Secondary Info h3

Secondary Info h4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed est lorem, ullamcorper sit amet, fringilla porttitor, convallis eget, dolor. Nulla enim enim, fringilla eget, semper eget, pulvinar ut, libero. Suspendisse id velit. Morbi sit amet tortor. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin enim. Donec eget urna sit amet metus dapibus placerat. Cras luctus lorem in diam. Praesent urna diam, condimentum quis, interdum a, posuere at, lectus. Maecenas nec nisl. Suspendisse risus neque, convallis et, pellentesque eu, vulputate in, tellus. Cras non mi sagittis mauris congue imperdiet.

Secondary Info h4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed est lorem, ullamcorper sit amet, fringilla porttitor, convallis eget, dolor. Nulla enim enim, fringilla eget, semper eget, pulvinar ut, libero. Suspendisse id velit. Morbi sit amet tortor. Vivamus pharetra sollicitudin enim. Donec eget urna sit amet metus dapibus placerat. Cras luctus lorem in diam. Praesent urna diam, condimentum quis, interdum a, posuere at, lectus. Maecenas nec nisl. Suspendisse risus neque, convallis et, pellentesque eu, vulputate in, tellus. Cras non mi sagittis mauris congue imperdiet.